Papers, Essays and Articles

Osvaldo Hurtado has written numerous essays and monographs on the economic, social and political situation in Latin America and Ecuador, he presented in conferences or developed research studies requested by international organizations and academic centers. These papers have been published in Ecuador and international collective books and specialized magazines in: Germany, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Spain, United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Switzerland.

In these writings some ideas remain unchanged:

Economic stability and growth are essential for a long-term social policy can be sustained which raises living standards and reduces poverty. The market economy, international trading and high private investment, especially foreign promote the achievement of the objectives. Education and health policies are decisive to offer equal opportunities to all individuals. There is only one democracy, the one imagined and instituted by the western countries, under whose institutions their peoples reached high well-being levels not achieved by any other political regime. Democracy is the government system best suits citizens because it protects freedom, guarantees their public participation and divides power to prevent abuse. A pluralist and representative parties system is essential for the effective operation of democratic institutions and countries governance.

Ecuadorian democracy and others in Latin America are affected by governance issues that have conspired against the proper operation of their institutions. This weakness can be corrected through political reforms, but they do not always produce the expected results if the actors of public life - citizens, parties, social organizations, economic groups, the media - do not have strong democratic convictions.

Among the published essays, the following stand out: Economía Política en la Democracia Ecuatoriana (2011), Los últimos 33 años (2010), El camino económico de la lengua española (2010), Know Thyself: Latín America in the Mirror of Culture (2010), Neoliberalismo y economía social de mercado (2005), Democracia y gobernabilidad en los países andinos (2005), Elementos para una reforma política en América Latina (2005), Problemas estructurales de la democracia ecuatoriana (2005), Gobernabilidad, democracia y pobreza (1997), El pensamiento social de la Iglesia Católica (1991), Latin America in the New International Context (1991), La transición democrática 1977-1979 (1981).

Lists of Papers, Essays and Articles:

  • Estado y Mercado en América Latina
  • Paper presented at the conference “Europe and South-America: the International Dimension of Social Market Economy”. Pavia, Italy 20-21 Abril 2015.
  • El libro y la tecnología
  • Paper presented at the “VI Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española”, Panamá 2013. (Inédita)
  • De la Democracia a la Dictadura
  • Published in the magazine “América Latina: dos modelos, una sola región”, UDLA, Quito, 2011.
  • Economía Política en la Democracia Ecuatoriana
  • Published by Cordes, Quito, 2011.
  • Know Thyself: Latin America in the Mirror of Culture
  • Published in the magazine “The American Interest”, Vol. V, N°3, Washington D.C., January/February 2010.
  • Los últimos 33 años
  • Published in the book “El Poder Político en el Ecuador”, 18va. Edición, Planeta, Quito, 2010.
  • Solución del problema territorial
  • Published in the book “10 años de paz: Ecuador – Perú”, Cordes, Quito, 2009. (Presentación del libro Así se hizo la paz).
  • El camino económico de la lengua española
  • Paper presented at the “V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española”, Valparaíso, marzo 2008; y en la revista “Caminos del Español”, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, 2008.
  • Neoliberalismo y economía social de mercado
  • Published by Cordes, Quito, 2005; y en la revista “Dialogo Político”, N°1, Buenos Aires, 2005.
  • Democracia y gobernabilidad en los países andinos
  • Published in the magazine “Foreign Affairs en Español”, Vol. 5, N°4, México D. F., 2005.
  • Problemas de Gobernabilidad de la Democracia Ecuatoriana
  • Published in the magazine “Diplomacia, Estratégica, Política (DEP)”, Año I, N°3, Brasilia, 2005; y en la revista “La Ilustración Liberal”, N°26, Madrid, Diciembre 2005.
  • Problemas estructurales de la democracia ecuatoriana
  • Published by Cordes, Quito, 2005.
  • Elementos para una reforma política en América Latina
  • Published by Inter American Development Bank, Washington D.C., 2005.
  • Cultura y democracia, una relación olvidada
  • Published in the magazine “La democracia en América Latina: Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos”, PNUD – Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara, Buenos Aires, 2004.
  • Cultura y desarrollo
  • Published in the book “Sociología del Desarrollo, Políticas Sociales y Democracia”, CEPAL- Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México, D.F.,2001.
  • Nuestros deberes y responsabilidades para ser buenos ecuatorianos
  • Published by Cordes – KAS, Quito, 1999.
  • Los grandes objetivos de la Asamblea Constituyente
  • Speech delivered at the inauguration of national assembly of Ecuador in 1997.
  • El Futuro de la Democracia en América Latina
  • Published by Feso, Quito, 1997.
  • Entwicklungs perspektiven
  • Published in the book “Zeitschrift fur Lateinamerika”, N°12, Vienna, 1997.
  • Ecuador: riqueza en la mitad del mundo
  • Published in the book “La Apuesta del Nuevo Mundo”, Interlorum, Lima, 1997.
  • Gobernabilidad, democracia y pobreza
  • Published in the magazine “Estrategias para reducir la pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe”, PNUD, Quito, 1997.
  • Estado, Democracia y Gobierno
  • Published in the book “Reforma y Modernización del Estado”, Naciones Unidas – ILPES, Santiago, 1997.
  • Realidades y desafíos de América Latina
  • Published in the magazine “Iberoamericana”, Vol. XVII, N°2, Tokio: Instituto Iberoamericano. Universidad Sofía, Segundo Semestre, 1995.
  • Universidad y Desarrollo
  • Published in the book “Universidad, Estado y Sociedad”, Corporación Editora Nacional – Ildis, Quito, 1994.
  • Julio Tobar Donoso: Victima expiatoria
  • Published by Feso, Quito, 1994.
  • Latin America: Decline and Responsability
  • Published in the book “Latin America in a New World”, Inter American Dialogue- Westview Press, Boulder, 1994.
  • Cultura Política
  • Published in the book “Léxico Político Ecuatoriano”, ILDIS, Quito, 1994.
  • La OIT en el tercer milenio
  • Published in the book “Pensamientos sobre el porvenir de la justicia social”, OIT, Ginebra, 1994.
  • Crisis y reforma de la universidad ecuatoriana
  • Published by Feso, Quito, 1992.
  • América Latina en el siglo XXI: Problemas, desafíos y posibilidades
  • Published by Cordes, Quito, 1991.
  • ¿Encuentro de dos culturas o resistencia indígena?
  • Published by Feso, Quito, 1991.
  • El Pensamiento Social de la Iglesia Católica en los Últimos Cien Años
  • Published in the book “A Cien Años de Rerum Novarum”, CEPAL, Santiago, 1991.
  • Latin America in the New International Context
  • Published in the book “Beyond Superpower Rivalry: Latin America and the Third World”, Geonomics Institute for International Economic Advancement, New York University Press, New York, 1991.
  • La idee di Aldo Moro e la transformazione del mondo
  • Published in the book “Aldo Moro, Estato e Societá”, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Roma, 1990.
  • Ecuador lost illutions
  • Published in the book “Lost Illusions: Latin America´s Struggle for Democracy, as Recounted by its Leaders”, Institute of the Americas, Markus Wiener Publishing, New York, 1990.
  • Changing Latin America Attitudes: Prerequisite to Institutionalizing Democracy
  • Published in the book “Democracy in the Americas: Stopping the Pendulum”, New York, 1989.
  • Avances en planificación económica e impacto sobre la elaboración de políticas públicas
  • Published in the book “La Democracia frente al Reto del Estado Eficiente”, Buenos Aires, 1988.
  • Bicentenario del nacimiento del Libertador Simón Bolívar
  • Publicado in series of books “Democracia y Crisis”, Tomo III, Sendip, Quito, 1984.
  • La transición democrática 1977-1979
  • Published in the book “El poder político en el Ecuador”, 4ta Edición, Ariel, Quito, 1981.
  • El proceso político
  • Published in the book “Ecuador Hoy”, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, Bogotá, 1978.
  • Visión histórica de la Universidad ecuatoriana
  • Published in the magazine “Estudios Sociales”, N°4, Santiago, 1974.
  • El proceso de la toma y pérdida del poder en Chile
  • Published in the magazine “Mensajero”, Quito, 1973.